Middle College Graduation

Fifteen years of the Middle College

The 2022-23 school year marks the fifteenth year of operation for the Middle College at Ozarks Technical Community College. In 2007, Springfield Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Norm Ridder approached then-new OTC Chancellor Dr. Hal Higdon with an idea to lower the high school dropout rate and help credit-deficient students get back on track. The Middle…


OTC and Arizona State University partner for seamless transfers through MyPath2ASU™ collaboration

Ozarks Technical Community College is partnering with Arizona State University to provide students with a seamless transfer experience through the MyPath2ASU program. MyPath2ASU™ allows students to take the steps needed early in their college experience to successfully plan their transfer to ASU, ensuring a smooth transition process and student success. MyPath2ASU™ is a customized tool for transfer students from…

Excellence in education award winners

OTC announces the 2022 Excellence in Education award winners

Ozarks Technical Community College trustees and administrators honored the 2022 Excellence in Education Award recipients at the November Board of Trustees meeting. Candidates were nominated by staff members and selected by a college-wide committee. Each winner was presented with a plaque and monetary award, made possible by a donation from the Turner Family Foundation.   Full-Time…

Veterans Upward Bound

OTC’s Veterans Upward Bound program expands its reach

Ozarks Technical Community College’s Veterans Upward Bound program can now serve veterans in 15 Missouri counties. The U.S. Department of Education renewed OTC’s Federal TRIO Grant for an additional five years at $1.4 million. The initial grant in 2017 established a Veterans Upward Bound (VUB) program to assist Greene County veterans with their pursuit of postsecondary education. With…

rootEd winners

Cape Girardeau Educator Named “Advisor of the Year” for Efforts to Help Rural High School Students Succeed After Graduation

Inaugural recognition part of statewide effort to place dedicated advisors in rural high schools to help students develop and achieve strong plans for lifelong success A college and career advisor at Cape Central High School in Cape Girardeau has been named “Advisor of the Year” for her efforts to help high school students in rural…