CoxHealth and Mercy join forces to support OTC Emergency Medical Services

Ozarks Technical Community College hosted a dedication ceremony for its Emergency Medical Services (EMS) program Thursday, Aug. 2. The program, co-sponsored by CoxHealth and Mercy, trains students for careers as emergency medical technicians and paramedics. It also provides continuing education opportunities for individuals who currently work in the field. “Everyone wins when we partner with…

OTC Chancellor Hal Higdon

OTC chancellor invited to federal science summit

Missouri community colleges will have a strong advocate at the State-Federal STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Summit in Washington D.C. June 25-26. Ozarks Technical Community College Chancellor Hal Higdon will attend the summit hosted by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. According to the invitation letter from Jeff Weld, the senior policy…

ptk medallions

OTC students honored for academics, leadership at MCCA luncheon

Ten Ozarks Technical Community College students were honored for their academic success and campus leadership at the Missouri Community College Association’s PTK and Student Leadership Luncheon. The event was held April 25 at the Capitol Plaza Hotel in Jefferson City. Three students received Phi Theta Kappa student leadership awards: Jayme Handley, OTC Springfield Campus Kimberly…

Infographic: OTC graduates by the numbers

Soon-to-be graduates, the moment you’ve waited for is practically here. Our 2018 graduation ceremony will be held Thursday, May 17 at 6 p.m. at JQH Arena on the Missouri State University Campus. Whether you’re celebrating your own graduation this year, or that of a fellow student, friend or family member, share your excitement on social media with the…