OTC provides free adult education courses

Ozarks Technical Community College is accepting enrollment for its free Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) and English as a Second Language (ESL) classes at nine locations across the Ozarks. Students will attend an orientation and pretesting session before classes begin. The pretest allows students to be individually advised concerning the best placement and course of…

Rick’s Automotive makes six-figure donation to Plaster Manufacturing Center

The Ozarks Technical Community College Foundation received a six-figure donation from Rick’s Automotive for the Rick’s Automotive Student Lounge inside the Robert W. Plaster Center for Advanced Manufacturing. Founded by Rick and Karen Hughlett in 1980, Rick’s Automotive has 40 full-time employees who service more than 1,000 vehicles per month. “OTC has been a great…

Healthy Blue and OTC launch healthcare scholarships to address workforce shortages

To help meet the need for community healthcare workers in the state, Missouri managed care provider Healthy Blue will fund scholarships for 12 students to complete the Community Healthcare Worker course through Ozarks Technical Community College. Students who begin the class this semester are eligible for the scholarship. The Community Healthcare Worker course starts on…