Finals week is rapidly approaching. Traditionally, the week before is a time for nail-biting and anxiety (not to mention the occasional Taco Bell-fueled all-night study session)… but we’re ready to start a new tradition. The week before finals week is now officially dubbed De-Stress Week at OTC! We have a week of calm, soothing activities planned that will help you get in the right headspace for getting through your finals with ease.


Coloring, Cocoa and Tea

Monday-Thursday, Dec. 6-9
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
OTC Bookstore Lounge

Come relax with coloring and warm up with hot cocoa and tea, courtesy of the OTC Bookstore. Cocoa, tea and coloring materials are provided free of charge. Each day this week, join your friends at the newly redesigned bookstore lounge. Key down with soul-soothing warm drinks while allowing artistic activity to unlock the creative, problem-solving parts of your brain!

Free Yoga Sessions
Monday, Dec. 6, 11 a.m.
Tuesday, Dec. 7, 1 p.m.
Turner Student Lounge

Join us in the Turner Student Lounge for a free pre-finals week yoga session by a certified yoga instructor. We will have some mats available for use, but feel free to bring your own. Dress for easy movement and slow stretching. Put the stress of projects and finals away and relax your mind and body. Serenity now!

Food Truck Frolic
Tuesday, Dec. 7
11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Central Street (North side of campus)

Did you know that studies have indicated that “eating a moderate amount of food before studying has not only helped students to focus but has also helped them achieve higher scores on tests”? It’s a fact! … not that we really need an excuse to come out and enjoy some of the most magnificent food trucks that Springfield has to offer. Why worry about lunch when you have all of these options?

Student Resource Fair
Tuesday, Dec. 7
10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Jared Family Atrium

Join us in the Jared Family Atrium for this special event highlighting student resources available to you at OTC. All participating departments will provide information on what they do and what resources they offer to students. Find out what we can do to help you succeed!

OTC Choir Winter Concert: Remembering Decembers
Tuesday, Dec. 7
7 p.m.
University Heights Baptist Church

Sometimes, all you really need is a moment away from the books to bask in some good music… and some holiday spirit. With that in mind, join the OTC Choir for their winter performance, Remembering Decembers, completely free of charge.

Relax with Pet Therapy
Wednesday, Dec. 8
Noon to 2 p.m.
Jared Family Atrium

The act of petting dogs is shown to lower blood pressure… but that’s not why we do it. There’s something unfathomably special about the loving gaze of a dog as you pat them on the head… something that touches the heart and just makes things better. And that’s why Pet Therapy of the Ozarks will be here on campus with some four-footed friends that are tail-waggingly excited to spend quality time with you.