As consumers it’s easy to take for granted showers with the perfect water pressure and temperature, functioning toilets, and dishwashers that clean and sanitize dishes. But behind these daily necessities are specially trained professionals who install and service the plumbing systems that make them all possible.  

In Missouri, statistics show there are nearly 830 job openings annually for plumbers and the profession is growing each year by 3.7 percent. To help meet this increasing workforce need, Ozarks Tech launched its first Plumbing Program in 2024.

The program was developed in conjunction with area plumbing companies and is guided by an advisory board of industry professionals. The curriculum equips students to execute plumbing tasks efficiently from day one. Coursework covers essential technical skills, safety practices and customer service.

To prepare students for residential, commercial and service repair plumber positions, Ozarks Tech also created a state-of-the-art classroom and lab in the Industry Transportation and Technology Center on the Springfield campus.

“This program is designed to give individuals the expertise needed for a thriving career in plumbing,” said Matt Hudson, Ozarks Tech executive dean of career, technical and community development. “Plumbing is a dynamic field requiring precision and problem-solving skills. Our program allows students to immerse themselves in a hands-on learning environment that mimics real-world job sites.”

To further help train this vital workforce, the college received a Missouri Department of Economic Development grant that provides financial assistance for those interested in pursuing the Ozarks Tech Plumbing Program. The related scholarships make the courses little to no cost for qualifying students.   

“We understand that paying for college can be difficult, so we have taken steps to make plumbing education as affordable and accessible as possible,” Hudson said. “We do not want to see training cost become a barrier to a rewarding career path.”

Hudson explained the program recognizes many individuals are looking for training options that get them industry ready quickly. Others need options to work while taking classes or are looking for plumbing training that helps them skill-up.

The Ozarks Tech Plumbing Program can be completed in nine months and this spring the college is offering short-term courses, which have both daytime and evening schedules that focus on plumbing codes and applications. The short-term courses provide those who are starting out in the field as well as individuals looking to advance in their career with specific knowledge on the codes published by the International Code Council.

This June, the college will also offer two additional short-term courses that include an immersive week-long Intro to Plumbing boot camp and Plumbing for Maintenance, a course specially designed for individuals working in fields like property maintenance.   

While there are many reasons to consider plumbing training, including it being a prime choice for those who like to work with their hands and crave variety, Hudson emphasized the path it provides to job stability and a good earning potential. According to MERIC for the state of Missouri, the average wage for plumbing professionals is $69,730. And for those seeking a career that makes a difference, it is plumbing professionals who play an integral role in wastewater safety and maintaining infrastructure.  

Ozarks Tech is excited for the first group of plumbing program students to obtain their plumbing technology certificates this May. To learn more about the plumbing training opportunities at Ozarks Tech, visit