Even as students begin to focus on final exams and winter break, Ozarks Technical Community College is planning for the spring 2013 semester: registration for new students will begin this Thursday, November 15.

“Returning students have already begun to sign up for their classes, and the in-demand schedules will fill up quickly,” says Joan Barrett, OTC’s Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. “Anyone looking at starting school in the spring should keep in mind that registering early helps you to get into the classes you need when you need them.”

Spring classes will begin on January 14, 2013, at all of OTC’s five locations, as well as online. For more information, visit www.otc.edu/admissions.


Mark Miller

College Director of Communication

Phone: 417.447.2655

Email: millerm@otc.edu

Laura French

Coordinator of Public Information

Phone: 417.447.2659

Email: frenchl@otc.edu