Brand Colors

Ozarks Tech has established an official color palette to represent the college. Our palette helps audiences identify us at a glance. These colors were chosen to allow for flexibility while maintaining visual consistency across all college materials.

When creating content for the college, use the Ozarks Tech Primary and Primary Support color palettes.

Primary Colors

Ozarks Tech Blue and white are the official colors of the college.

Ozarks Tech Blue 

CMYK: 100 / 57 / 0 / 40

HEX: 00447C

RGB: 0 / 68 / 124

Ozarks Tech White

CMYK: 0 / 0 / 0 / 0


RGB: 255 / 255 / 255

Primary Support Colors


Ozarks Tech has carefully and intentionally selected specific fonts to be used to represent the college. Ozarks Tech’s typography is flexible for a wide range of uses, but fonts must be used with their intended purpose. Use the guidelines below when choosing a font to use for your content.

Primary Fonts

These fonts are readily available in Microsoft Office and Google tools.


Use this font in light or regular for large bodies of text. Can also be used as a text header or subheader (all caps or lowercase) in Bold or Light (print and digital materials).


Use this font in Bold (all caps or lowercase) for text headers and subheaders and in Medium or Light for small bodies of text (print and digital materials).

Playfair Display

Use this font in Regular as a second option for large bodies of text (print only). Use this font in Bold or Bold Italic (lowercase) for headers and subheaders or to accentuate words or short phrases.



Sample text. Sample text.



Sample text. Sample text.



Sample text. Sample text.

Stylized Fonts

In addition to our core primary fonts, select stylized or accent fonts are used by the MarComm department. These fonts are used sparingly (titles, subtitles, accentuating words, date, etc.) and are never used in body text. Because stylized fonts tend to be trendy, they will be updated periodically within the department. For approval to use these fonts on printed or digital materials, please email

Demo image of our special stylized fonts