The look of Ozarks Technical Community College collectively encompasses all aspects of our image, our mission, our quality and who we are.  

It is important that these standards are used to create familiarity and maintain a consistent identity across the entire organization and throughout its service area, in all college programs, services and activities. 

Primary Wordmark

Ozarks Technical Community College and its acronym OTC have long been recognized names for the institution.  In early 2024, the Board of Trustees addressed concerns of potential confusion surrounding the acronym and acknowledged the enduring popularity of the name Ozarks Tech within the community and on merchandise. As a result, the board expressed support for adopting Ozarks Tech as a prominent naming option moving forward.  

While the college’s official name will remain Ozarks Technical Community College, the new direction aims to establish brand consistency by using Ozarks Tech in all but very formal contexts. As we transition to Ozarks Tech, this wordmark should be utilized in most instances.  

  • Use only approved, unaltered versions. Alterations to the logo are prohibited in order to maintain the original design proportions and alignment. Do not stretch, distort or modify its design in any way. 
  • Do not recreate the wordmark.  
  • The wordmark can appear in both standard and reversed color formats depending on background color.  
  • Do not use it within text or on top of a pattern.  
  • Do not combine it with any other graphic elements.  
  • The wordmark may be used on promotional items with prior approval from MarComm. 

Secondary Wordmark

The Ozarks Technical Community College wordmark is the most widely recognized visual symbol. There are two interchangeable versions—stacked and horizontal arrangements. A second option is available as a single line for cases where there are space restraints. Only ever use official college wordmarks provided by Marketing and Communications. The preferred format appears in two lines.  

  • Use only approved, unaltered versions. Alterations to the logo are prohibited in order to maintain the original design proportions and alignment. Do not stretch, distort or modify its design in any way.  
  • Do not recreate the wordmark.  
  • These can appear in both standard and reversed color formats depending on background color.  
  • Do not use it within text or on top of a pattern.  
  • Do not combine it with any other graphic elements.  
  • The wordmark may be used on promotional items with prior approval from MarComm. 

Sub-Branded Wordmark

The college’s regional campuses and centers, divisions, programs and departments have what we refer to as “sub-branded” wordmarks (or “lockups”). These marks are being updated for all units using a full line dividing the college name and the location/unit name. 

The protected area and minimum size requirements for these wordmarks are the same as those for the primary (parent) wordmark. Only use official college wordmarks provided by MarComm.

These sub-branded lockups will be available for most units at the college and will be rolled out in early 2025.  

Grouping of Ozarks Tech "lockups"

College Seal

The college seal is Ozarks Technical Community College’s official, formal mark and represents Ozarks Tech as its best as an academic institution. It is reserved for use by the Chancellor’s office, Provost’s office, and campus Presidents’ and Provost’s offices or as approved by MarComm. Any collateral, document or piece of merchandise that displays the seal states this material has been officially sanctioned by the college. 

Examples of Ozarks Tech college seal
  • Copy can be added under or above, but not around the official seal.  
  • The seal should never be used extraneously to fill space or to create a pattern.  
  • It can be reproduced in its positive and reverse forms: positive versions for use on lighter backgrounds and reverse versions for use on darker backgrounds.  
  • It must stay to the original proportion and alignment as shown.  
  • Do not combine it with any other graphic elements. (Exception: Primary Wordmark. combination approval must be obtained from MarComm.)  
  • Do not alter it except to enlarge or reduce proportionally.  

Primary Eagle Logo

Ozarks Tech originally introduced the eagle as its mascot in the early ‘90s. The Ozzy Eagle mascot character was developed in 2018 to represent student life and foster college spirit. A refreshed Eagle Logo, developed in the fall of 2024, has replaced the former logo. This updated logo will be phased in as new materials are created for merchandise, signage, recruitment and student engagement. 

Ozarks Tech Primary Eagle Logo

Secondary Eagle Logos

In addition to the full-color primary Eagle Logo, the logo also has three secondary versions. The logo’s colors should never be reversed. If enclosing the Eagle Logo, it must appear within a box as shown below. 

  • The Eagle Logo may be displayed prominently on merchandise, promotional items and student-facing event promotion. It should not be used in formal communications. Usage must be approved by MarComm.  
  • The Eagle Logo should not be used as a repeating pattern. It can appear in both standard and reversed color formats depending on background color.  
  • To maintain the original design proportions and alignment, alterations to the logo are prohibited. Do not stretch, distort or modify its design in any way.  
  • The logo must not be combined with any other graphic elements or logos unless prior approval has been granted by Marketing and Communications. MarComm in its sole discretion may use other colors in special circumstances.