Ozarks Technical Community College is seeking volunteers for Adult Education and Literacy classes in a nine-county area. Volunteers can assist adults in preparing for the high school equivalency test, learning English as a second language or learning to read. The OTC Adult Education and Literacy programs help the citizens of southwest Missouri to increase their skills and qualify for a better job or pursue further training. Volunteers are needed in Christian, Dallas, Greene, Lawrence, Polk, Stone, Taney, Webster, and Wright Counties. Training is provided and there are no costs to the volunteer. For an application or additional information, contact the OTC Adult Education and Literacy office at (417) 447-8865.
Mark Miller
College Director of Communication
Phone: 417.447.2655
Email: millerm@otc.edu
Laura French
Coordinator of Public Information
Phone: 417.447.2659
Email: frenchl@otc.edu