Ozarks Technical Community College prides itself in producing graduates who are ready to take their place in the workforce after earning their associate’s degree or training certificate.

Another segment of the OTC’s student population — transfer students — continue their education after graduating from OTC.

Last spring, nearly half of OTC graduates went on to a four-year school. By learning more, transfer students have a chance to earn more.

Current OTC students who are planning to transfer after graduation can prepare for that transition at the annual Transfer Fair at OTC’s main campus on Oct. 28, starting at 11 a.m.

Representatives from 15 colleges and universities will be on hand to talk to students about their future education needs.

“Universities are coming here because they like the quality of our students. They are good students and have demonstrated that while attending OTC,” said Joan Barrett, associate vice president for student affairs.

The College Board reports that someone with a bachelor’s degree will earn 60 percent more than someone with a high-school diploma throughout their working lives. Four-year degree holders will earn about $18,000 more annually than someone with just some college credit.

The transfer student is so important to local colleges, like Drury University and Missouri State University, that they have opened transfer desks at OTC to talk to students.

Drew Bishop, a computer information systems student at OTC’s Lebanon Education Center, said he was happy to see his credits transferring to Missouri State University without a hitch.

“It’s a very smooth transition. It worked out well,” he said.

Barrett said it’s very important that students who plan to transfer come to the fair to check what the various universities expect.

“So many schools have their own set of deadlines. You don’t want to miss a deadline for admissions or for a scholarship opportunity,” Barrett said.

Talking with the local representatives at the transfer fair will help a student prepare for their next big educational step.

“You can talk to the colleges about what elective choices there are. It will help you be prepared as you can be to meet the requirements of the next school you attend,” Barrett said.

Steve Koehler is coordinator of publications at Ozarks Technical Community College. Contact him at koehlers@otc.edu.


College Director of Communications

Phone: 417.447.2655

Email: publicinfo@otc.edu

Steve Koehler

Coordinator of Publications

Phone: (417) 447-2666

Email: koehlers@otc.edu