Parking Lot Closure Map(6-29-16) header


There are several construction projects happening now at the OTC Springfield Campus. All of these improvements will impact parking and traffic flow during the summer semester.

The following information and map are designed to give you time to prepare for the temporary changes and make plans for alternate routes.

As you head to campus after the July 4th holiday, please be aware of the following road and parking lot closures (please reference the accompanying map):

• You will see several “soft” closures near campus. A soft closure means that it is only open to local traffic and OTC students, faculty and staff. The major intersections that will be affected by the soft closures are Central Street and National Avenue, and N. Sherman Avenue and E. Chestnut Expressway. These roads are closed to accommodate the City of Springfield’s Central/Pythian corridor improvement project.

• Central Street is closed to all traffic from Hampton Street to just west of Clay Street.

• Sherman Avenue is closed to all traffic from Jordan Creek to the south side of Graff Hall.

• Lot D, at the northwest corner of Central Street and N. Sherman Ave., is closed.

• Bob Barker Blvd. will be closed from the west side of Lincoln Hall to the interior road located south of the bookstore and the ICW building. This is necessary to allow equipment access for roof replacements on Lincoln and Graff Halls.

• Lot A, on the southeast corner of Central Street and N. Sherman Avenue, is closed for re-surfacing.

• Lot F and Lot J, at the corner of Central Street and Hampton Avenue, are open, but are only accessible from the entrances on Hampton Avenue.

We appreciate your patience as OTC works with its public partners to improve traffic flow near campus and make these much-needed improvements to the college infrastructure. The goal is to have all roads and parking lots re-opened by the start of fall classes on Aug. 22.

Click here for City of Springfield’s news release detailing the full extent of the project.