The start of the fall semester at OTC also means the start of new art exhibits at the OTC Fine Arts Galley in the Gillioz Theater.

This Friday, the new season kicks off on the third floor of the Gillioz with works from Melissa Szymanski, who was the Best of Show artist at the 2011 Art Walks 10th anniversary juried exhibition.

“Melissa’s work, done in colored pencil, is undeniably impressive in technique and her original thought and expressions are uniquely refreshing. In this brand new series of work, Melissa has explored the two-dimensional aspects of drawing while infusing elements of collage and three-dimensional surfaces,” said Kat Allie, the colleges department chair for Fine Arts and Humanities and gallery manager.

Also featured during the September Art Walk, on the first floor of the Gillioz, will be student drawings and paintings that were created by students during the recent summer studio art courses.

The first month of Art Walk is just the start to what Allie sees as a busy time at the Gillioz, where she will be striving to incorporate all areas of the fine arts in the monthly exhibitions.

In October, the gallery will again be hosting and featuring the annual Art Walk juried exhibition that will allow visitors to vote for the People’s Choice award-winning piece.

A student showcase will be held later in the year, which gives students the opportunity to interact with the hundreds of visitors who come to see their work. Allie said its a great learning experience for the students.

“They are asked to produce something that is gallery-ready and that’s hanging in a official gallery where a lot of people will view it. It adds to their exhibition list. They get to be a part of the reception. They get a chance to explain the content of their work and utilize the formal vocabulary of the arts and verbalize with the visitor,” Allie said.

A faculty exhibit is planned for February, and April will feature works selected for area high schools.

In addition, the popular Community Wishing Wall will be on display at the Art Walk events. The large reproduction of Van Goghs Starry Night is painted on corrugated board. Visitors are invited to write a wish on a piece of colored paper and insert it into a hole in the painting with the small color.

There are thousands of holes in the painting and the work is expected to be filled later this month.

Steve Koehler is coordinator of media relations at Ozarks Technical Community College.


College Director of Communications

Phone: 417.447.2655


Steve Koehler

Coordinator of Media Relations

Phone: (417) 447-2666
