Enrollment begins Sept. 3 at 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. for Ozarks Technical Community College Adult Education and Literacy classes to be held in the First Christian Church basement, 407 W. Broadway, Bolivar.

The classes will meet Tuesday and Thursday from 1 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Students are encouraged to bring a pencil and spiral notebook with them. Those who are 17 years old must have a letter from a school principal on school letterhead giving permission for them to enroll.

There is no set time required for a student to pass the high school equivalency test/GED. Students are tested when they first enroll. Placement tests are scored and assignments are made accordingly. The length of time required to pass the test depends on how much the student needs to learn and how often they attend class.

When students are ready to take the high school equivalency test, practice tests are administered that tell the approximate score a student could achieve on the actual test. 

For more information, call the OTC AEL office at 447-8860.


Mark Miller

College Director of Communication

Phone: 417.447.2655

Email: millerm@otc.edu

Laura French

Coordinator of Public Information

Phone: 417.447.2659

Email: frenchl@otc.edu