What’s your OTC story? Our college chancellor wants to hear it. Join us at one of our campuses for a meet and greet event with OTC’s leader, Dr. Hal Higdon. He’ll share his experiences in higher education with you and listen as your share your OTC stories with him.

Find the dates and times for your campus or center, below. Chat with the Chancellor will be featured at OTC’s two centers, Lebanon and Waynesville, in the spring.

Dates and Times

OTC Springfield Campus
Thursday, Nov. 9
2 p.m.
Jared Family Atrium

OTC Richwood Valley Campus
Tuesday, Nov. 14
9 a.m.
Room 224

OTC Table Rock Campus 
Tuesday, Nov. 14
11 a.m.
Community Room RWP 409

About Dr. Higdon

In the meantime, take a moment to get to know Dr. Higdon. To break the ice, we submitted 10 questions to him and his responses are below. Check them out and we hope to see you at one of the Chat with the Chancellor sessions!

If you could meet any historical figure, who would you choose and why?

A: I’d choose Winston Churchill because of his long and varied career, as well as being the voice in the wilderness when no one would listen about the coming dangers of fascism. I believe it makes him one of the most remarkable figures in history. Being right when everyone else is telling you that you are wrong, takes a great deal of courage.

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three items would you choose and why?

A: First, a helicopter. Second, a pilot. Third, gas. My goal would be to get off of the island.

If you could only choose one vacation destination, where would you pick and why?

A: I’d choose the Great Smoky Mountains for the beautiful scenery and cool temperatures.

Who was your role model when you were a child and why?

A: My father because he worked harder than anyone I knew.

What is the best advice you have received?

A: “Always volunteer for the job that no one else wants to do.”

Which language would you like to learn and why?

A: I’d like to learn Spanish. Having taken Spanish in high school and college, I know enough to know that I would enjoy the language. I would enjoy traveling to Spanish-speaking countries without the language barrier.

What’s your hidden talent?

A: I am an unbelievable whistler—but everyone hates whistling, so I keep it hidden.

If you had magical powers, name something that you’d change and why.

A: I’d change gravity, so I could fly.

What is your favorite season?

A: I love fall because it’s football season, students are back on campus, and the cool, crisp air. It’s also the season of Halloween and my birthday!

If you were a baseball player, what would you choose as your walk-up song when you come up to bat?

A: Sweet Home Alabama.