Missy and Robert homelessness project

OTC students research the health and psychological impacts of homelessness

In Barrie Talbott’s Composition II course, she has her Ozarks Technical Community College students complete a research project and deliver an in-class presentation every semester.   “I want my students to develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills,” Barrie said. “We also work on professionalism so they are prepared for any career or advanced academic pursuits.”  …

OTC receives Military Friendly® designation for 2023-2024 school year

Military Friendly®, an online information platform for military personnel returning to civilian life, has designated Ozarks Technical Community College Military Friendly for the 2023-2024 academic year. OTC is one of only three community colleges in Missouri to receive the designation and the only community college in the state in the “large community college” classification. “I…

PTA grads 2023

OTC’s Physical Therapist Assistant program celebrates its silver anniversary

Walking the halls at Ozarks Technical Community College’s Richwood Valley Campus, visitors will see what they expect to find on a college campus. There are classrooms with desks and whiteboards and laboratories with microscopes and Bunsen burners, but one room stands out. Inside that lab, students work with weights, exercise balls and other fitness equipment…