Ozarks Technical Community College’s Adult Education and Literacy division will offer a free, no obligation session on “Becoming a Volunteer Tutor in Adult Education” at the Richwood Valley campus in Christian County on Wednesday, July 22, from 6-7pm. The session will be held in room 230.
Join us for the session to learn about the Adult Education and English as a Second Language classes offered at Richwood Valley and how you can help adults learn to read, write, or speak English or study for their GED certificate. Topics include: “What is the need?” “How much time is required?” “How will I know what to do?” “What training is required?” “How does the student benefit?” and “How can I benefit from helping an adult learner?”
For additional information, contact the Adult Education and Literacy office at (417) 447-8865.
Mark Miller
College Director of Communication
Phone: 417.447.2655
Email: millerm@otc.edu
Laura French
Coordinator of Public Information
Phone: 417.447.2659
Email: frenchl@otc.edu