Ozarks Technical Community College’s Center for Workforce Development will hold a seminar to discuss the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s new Compliance, Safety and Accountability measuring system for the transportation industry.  The seminar, which is co-sponsored by the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce, will be held on Thursday, August 25, from 2 – 4:30 p.m. at the Chamber’s headquarters, 202 S. John Q. Hammons Parkway.

Rose Kastrup, instructor for the CWD’s Transport Training Institute, will lead the discussion on the new CSA initiative, which is aimed at improving large truck and bus safety measures to ultimately reduce commercial motor vehicle crashes, injuries, and fatalities.  The seminar will also include guest speaker Kelly Roth, MoDOT Motor Carrier Services Transportation Enforcement Investigator and National Training Center Associate Staff Instructor for CSA, who will address how CSA affects the transportation providers in southwest Missouri.

The seminar is free to attend, but seating is limited.  To register, go to the Events section at facebook.com/otccwd and select the CSA 2010 Seminar, or call (417) 447-8888.


Mark Miller

College Director of Communication

Phone: 417.447.2655

Email: millerm@otc.edu

Laura French

Coordinator of Public Information

Phone: 417.447.2659

Email: frenchl@otc.edu