Ozarks Technical Community College and Cox College will hold a signing ceremony on Wednesday, December 2, at 4 p.m., for two new articulation agreements between the institutions. The ceremony will be held in the Board of Trustees Room on OTC’s Springfield campus, 1001 E. Chestnut Expressway.

The agreements are designed to provide for a seamless transfer for qualified Ozarks Technical Community College students into Cox College’s nursing degree programs. Dr. Hal Higdon, president of OTC, and Dr. Anne Liners Brett, president of Cox College, will be present for the ceremony, as well as other officials and nursing program leaders from both institutions.


Mark Miller

College Director of Communication

Phone: 417.447.2655

Email: millerm@otc.edu

Laura French

Coordinator of Public Information

Phone: 417.447.2659

Email: frenchl@otc.edu